Not all stream channel types are appropriate for Induced Meandering, yet the Induced Meandering philosophy of “going with the flow” can inform all stream restoration projects. Induced meandering strives to understand rivers as timeless entities governed by immutable rules serving their watersheds, setting their own timetables, and coping with their own realities as they carry mountains grain by grain to the sea.
About Bill Zeedyk
Bill Zeedyk, innovator of the Induced Meandering concept and principal author of this book, brings a lifetime of experience in natural resource conservation to the practice of river, wetland and riparian restoration. Upon retiring from the U.S. Forest Service with thirty-four years experience in habitat management, Bill founded a small consulting business with the mission of motivating others by developing and advancing simple techniques for healing incised streams and gullied wetlands. He has prepared training materials and conducted numerous hands-on workshops involving professionals, laymen, and volunteers alike. His methods have been adopted by federal, state, and tribal agencies, landowners and conservation organisations, and acclaimed by teachers, scientists, and practitioners in the field.
Published 2014. Paperback, 272 pages.
Chelsea Green Publishing
ISBN 9781603585699
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