Pip Magazine: Australian Permaculture – Issue 29 (Aug-Nov)

AU$ 14.95

Nourishing yourself and the Planet


  • What to feed soil for a healthy harvest
  • Forage and prepare seaweed to eat at home
  • Offal Vital Organs
  • Local and recycled Forever Home
  • Community Co-op Acres and Acres
  • Housing chooks Chicken Coops
  • Cultural connections Murnong Mamas
  • Upcycling DIY seed packets

Pip Noticeboard, Pip Picks, Permaculture Around the World, Brains Trust, Pip Mailbox, Indigenous Knowledge, Save your Seeds, Urban Foraging, In the Garden, Kids’ Patch, Courses and Book Reviews. Your complete guide to seasonal gardeningpermaculture plants and animals!


GROW. BUILD. EAT. THRIVE. NURTURE. DESIGN. Pip is a place for people and groups to connect and share ideas, knowledge and experience and stay in touch with what is happening around Australia. Attractively designed, thoughtfully laid out and clearly explained, Pip presents permaculture in an easy to understand accessible way. Pip magazine is designed for permies and those who want to know what is happening in Australia. With informative articles on various aspects of permaculture as well as profiles on people, projects, gardens, farms, houses and businesses. Each article includes a permaculture principle icon that is most relevant to the story. Printed in colour in Australia on FSC certified paper with vegetable based inks, A4 (210 x 297mm)

98 Pages, full colour throughout.
ISBN: 9772203466006

Additional information

Weight 0.36 kg
Dimensions 210 × 297 × 6 mm

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