The Permaculture Home Garden

AU$ 39.95

How to grow great tasting fruit and vegetables the organic way – free of pesticides and chemicals

Linda Woodrow

Inspired by her own training in permaculture, Linda Woodrow has devised a totally integrated organic system of gardening that combines science with common sense. In The Permaculture Home Garden she draws us into a warmly welcoming household where everyone shares the planting, helps to tend the hens, and relaxes after a satisfying day’s work. Step-by-step instructions and helpful diagrams make it easy to plan and plant a garden to suit your taste and space – a garden that not only looks wonderful but also yields bountiful fruit, herbs and vegetables.

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Linda Woodrow studied permaculture intensively, and has written a fresh and lively book based on her wide experience. Her careful and intensive designs minimise work but allow nature to exist while encouraging natural controls. She includes personal self-management, time-and-motion studies and a variety of findings suited to our Australian climates, including the subtropical. I think Linda conveys, in detail, all the essentials for good gardening or mini-farming. There is very little derivative material, and the text has a first-hand and authentic ring to it, a feeling for soil and plants. I can only recommend this book to all home gardeners who respect good soil husbandry, nutrition and design.

– Bill Mollison

Product details

Published May 1996 
Penguin Australia
Paperback, 184 pages, b&w.
ISBN: 9780670865994


Linda WoodrowLinda Woodrow is a Northern Rivers NSW based writer, researcher, and food gardener. She is the author of The Permaculture Home Garden (Penguin, 1996) and has published widely in gardening and permaculture circles. 470 is her first novel. Connect with the author here.

Additional information

Weight .24 kg
Dimensions 211 × 154 × 15 mm

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